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Holistic Mental health Workshops

Over 80 Workshops to date, We’ve trained hundreds of people since 2020. Through our caliber of holistic mental health training sessions (energy, yoga, and self-care). We also run MHFA sessions. Our participants are certified by Mental Health First Aid Australia.

Watch our video and see how much fun we’ve had!


Introduced in 2021! Is our life-altering program. Seeing our participant’s willingness to tackle limiting mindsets and wanting to change their quality of life. We created our signature program “Finding your magic within” The complete lifestyle program that highlights every single area of life! All self-monitored.

Career and business owners keen to find work-life balance or turning a hobby into something more. Creative projects waiting to be shared with the world. We also created a holistic business start-up program “Building your empire”. View our video and the adventures, we’ve embarked on!