Ready to Pay it Forward!

 My name is Meybell Cristina Founder of

Holistic Mental Health Co. & Holistic M Coaching


This is my story

My Mental journey began in 2019 when I became a Mental health first aid facilitator. Hearing different stories from many people from different walks of life, was inspiring and insightful. Through these training sessions, I learned the value and importance of having your own set of tools for better mental health.

Early in 2021, my team and I had the joy of running a handful of face-to-face workshops.  The workshops were themed around energy work, ultimate self-care, and re-programming your mindset. After the 2020 lockdown, we were delighted to see our workshops come to life!

Little did we know this would be short-lived, as the lockdowns continued in Melbourne.

Most of the women in our workshops knew deep down how important it was to put themselves first and look after their own health, but for some reason or another, there was always an excuse or an obstacle that got in the way of that. 

‘The kids come first.”

“I have to answer those emails before bed because they will be waiting!”

“I want to look after myself but I find it hard to stick to it.”

“I am always putting others first and I feel guilty or selfish when I put myself first.”

These comments took me back to the way I was living my life in 2015-2019. I saw myself in them. Being lucky enough to afford coaching in 2020, I had the same excuses and roadblocks until it cost me everything. It ended with the breakdown of a 15-year marriage because I was unable to effectively communicate my needs, I hadn't set boundaries or couldn't stick to them!

Saying yes to everything and everyone even though I had no desire to participate, I found everyday life so mundane, a mother to 2 boys, and unhappy in my career roles. 

It then dawned on me that what these women needed was more than a 2-hour workshop, what they needed was coaching! To release the blockages, and limiting beliefs to live the life that they want in a sustainable way.

It was right then and there that HMH & Co Coaching was born! I decided to take this leap of faith.  I knew that I could help other women turn a brand new page in their lives and stop living their lives in a constant merry-go-round of hardships.

I now coach women who want a lifestyle change or who want to follow in my footsteps.

With more coaches to jump on board in 2022 at, we call on women who feel like there’s more to gain out of life, who crave growth, abundance, and purpose to make a difference not only in their own lives but those around them!