Beauty is Self-Care: A Guide to Female Empowerment and Wellness

Are you having one of those ‘low’ vibe moments? 

You know, when your body  feels depleted, your mind is disconnected, and your soul just isn’t sparkling like it normally does? 

This might just be a signal for you to take some time to relax, recover, and reconnect with your inner self.

Self-care is all about doing what it takes to nourish the mind, body and soul. It is also about creating a space that feels safe, harmonious and well-balanced. 

As women and young girls, we frequently feel obligated to put other people's needs ahead of our own. The needs of our friends, family members, and even our careers take precedence over taking time for ourselves. Ultimately, it can be strange for many women to suddenly shift focus away from loved ones and instead towards self. 

Showing yourself love through wellness and beauty practices can allow you to realign with the rhythm of life and the wonderful frequency of empowerment. 

So, without further ado, here are a list of self-care, wellness and beauty tips/practices to help replenish your mind, body and soul: 

{Tip No.1}  Finding Beauty All Around

and Sending Gratitude

The more beauty you take in, the more beauty you will exude. Notice when you begin to view the world from a brighter perspective, your day will feel less heavy. 

One way to do this is through gratitude. 

When things are going wrong, send gratitude for all the other things which are going right. Make a list for all that you are grateful for. This will allow you to be content with what you already have and recognise all the wonderful things which surround you.

Finding beauty in all things and sending gratitude is a good way to shift your mood instantly. 

{Tip No.2}  Nourish the Mind and Body   

It is essential that you look after your mind and body by taking time to cleanse and heal. 

You can do this by eating clean, drinking plenty of water and moving your body through exercise. It is important to note, your diet is not just what you eat but also what you let into your headspace. 

Meditate, take a break from social media- instead, feed your mind with interesting books, hobbies, and even try out new and colourful food!

{Tip No.3}  Practice Beauty Rituals  

It can be said that the difference between ‘routine’ and ‘ritual’ is the attitude behind the action. Routines are what needs to be done, while rituals are more meaningful practices which feed our sense of purpose.

Take a few minutes every week to pamper yourself. Take a warm bath, put on that outfit that's been taking up space in your closet, and experiment with different makeup and skincare regimens. Make your routines more intentional—for example, as you get into that bath, see yourself clearing all the stale energy and emerging as a new person.

{Tip No.4}  Take Nature Walks    

Going for a nice long walk is an excellent approach to unleashing stagnated energy from power drainers. Set aside some time to disconnect from the stress of everyday life and focus on your senses, perceptions, and surroundings while connecting to the earth's natural treasures. This practice will nourish your spirit and bring you into a more grounded level of awareness.

{Tip No.5}  Prioritise Sleep   

This may just be the most important practice…

A good night’s rest can help reduce stress, improve concentration and productivity. Try to avoid using your phone or technology prior to bed, maybe even create yourself a nice and cosy environment with a hot cup of tea to boost the feeling of calmness.

{Tip No.6}  Finding Quiet; Write, Journal, Meditate, and Release    

Finding quiet, sometimes entails going to a spot where one may stand alone and take solace in the total silence of the mind. Finding a moment of stillness and putting it all down can be an outlet to release all the energy that is preventing you from going ahead while your thoughts are whirling. 

Journaling may help you clear your mind, relax your eyes, and sense the peaceful regions within your spirit. 

Physical tools, in and of themselves, are powerful instruments for processing and expressing suppressed emotions, allowing you to let go and start again.

{Tip No.7}  Connect with Like-minded People 

Finally, surround yourself with individuals who give you energy rather than those who take it away. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and who will raise you up when you're down. 

Find individuals that compliment you and accept you as you are and can bring forth your inner radiance.

**Keep in mind that the most important investment you can make in your life is on yourself. 

Spend time and energy on you, and spend it doing things that bring you joy. What makes you happy? Do that!
Life is all about growth and transformation. Allow yourself to have a RESET again, simply because it is okay to take space and time until you feel like you again.

Meybell x